One memory he shares with us is of a little girl brought to the mall by her grandmother. He asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She told him her mother had died and she wanted Santa to bring her back. He explained to her that there are some things Santa does not have control over. He did his best to give her comfort and hold back his own tears. After she left he said he told the helpers he would need a break so he could compose himself for the other children. Out of all the malls this grandmother could have taken her to, I am glad she found the one with my uncle. He is a believer of Christ and I feel the words that came to him that special day came from a higher power. We are so blessed to have him in our family and I am grateful that I could share him with you.
Merry Christmas
What a sweet post. Your uncle sounds like an amazing Santa Claus.
What a lovely picture of your mom and Santa(uncle). The story brought tears to my eyes.
Teresa, your uncle is a real Santa Claus. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Teresa,
What a beautifil, warm uplifting post......... It is so nice to hear of others easing peoples pain in any way they can, and I am so pleased your uncle can be a part of that, he looks just like a jolly caring santa should with his small glasses and white beard, I can see how he adds to the magic of Christmas and Santa Claus!
Thank you for sharing, best wishes to your mum also
Priscilla x
What a lovely posting, I love your photo and the lovely story about your Uncle what a lovely man he is.
Thank you for sharing the story of your family. Your uncle is so special and touches so many lives.
Thank you for sharing the story of your family. Your uncle is so special and touches so many lives.
I do believe in Santa Claus!! Thank you for sharing such a lovely story. Michelle
What a lovely post, he sounds like a lovely man and that picture is a treasure!
What a heartbreaking story, Teresa ... that little girl was lucky to meet such a good, nice Santa! You can be proud of him. Thanks for sharing!
This is a sweet picture and a very touching story. Your uncle had just the right words to comfort this little girl he is a very special Santa. Linda
sweet post and lovely photo :)
Oh Teresa, I BELIEVE in Santa! This is the sweetest entry and I think you for sharing it! Not only does your uncle look like a wonderful and jolly fellow, you have such a sweet mother. This is what Christmas is all about.
~~ Heidi ~~
Awwwww that is such a tender sweet story. xx
Teresa, stop by my blog ~ you've been tagged :)
They are so sweet! Love the picture of your mom and uncle. He sounds like a wonderful man.
What a great story, and a lovely picture!
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