Next are pictures of her cards and gifts.
Kathyann and the girls (Ceri, Meghan & Bethany) at made cards and also sent the cutest Birthday Girl pin.
Sandy from Tennessee doesn't have a blog, but she enjoys reading them. She sent a card with beautiful tulips. Carolien at sent a spring bouquet. Bee made a lovely card and used feathers from her guinea hens. Years ago we lived on a farm and also had guinea hens. This brought back memories for Mom. Bee has two blogs and .
The next card with the cake and candles is from Monique at .
Charlene from sent Birthday Blessings.
Vonna at had no way of knowing that hummingbirds are Mom's favorite. What a surprise!
BJ from and
Priscilla at
sent email greetings.
Mom's sister was thinking of her on her special day.
I gave her the card on the right knowing she would look forward to spring. She wanted glazed doughnuts instead of a cake. I bought them the day of her birthday so they would be fresh. Needless to say they are now all gone!
I gave her the card on the right knowing she would look forward to spring. She wanted glazed doughnuts instead of a cake. I bought them the day of her birthday so they would be fresh. Needless to say they are now all gone!
Two of her brothers called this week. She always enjoys hearing from them.
I also received a surprise in the mail. Back in November I won Monique's blogiversary prize. Her blog is inside number twenty at . She wrote that she would design something just for me.
I also received a surprise in the mail. Back in November I won Monique's blogiversary prize. Her blog is inside number twenty at . She wrote that she would design something just for me.
I received a lovely card, beautiful Gentle Arts thread, and a thread holder she designed just for me!! I had emailed Monique and asked her if she would make a tutorial on variegated thread. She emailed me back and let me know she had one in the works. I was so excited. I have wanted to use these threads and wasn't sure where to start. When I saw the colors she sent, I could not believe my eyes. The project I want to do with variegated thread is a poinsettia and the thread she sent are exactly what I needed. I was so surprised! How did she know?!
Now, look at what she designed for me!
I love the design of my thread holder. She has designed my name in what I think looks like an art deco style. She is right, Teresa does have pretty threads, the ones she sent!! I really love the color combination of pink and black. Thank you so much Monique! Hugs to you! This has really been a great surprise. I waited to open it until my mom's birthday. That way, we both had something special to open.
I am sending out hugs to everyone of you who sent cards and emails. My mom said "Teresa, I don't know how you did this, but this has been my best birthday." I was listening to her phone conversation with one of her brothers. She was telling him all about her cards and where and who they were from. It was so cute!
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Take care
I am so glad your mother enjoyed her day and her cards! Please give her a hug back. Plus one hug for you, of course.
Have a nice day and thanks for sharing the lovely pictures!
Greetings, Carolien
Hi Teresa I'm so glad the cards arrived on time and your mum had a lovely Birthday!
I found it quite moving to see our letter parcel infront of your Mum,so far away from us!She looks a lovely lady who deserved all those special Birthday cards!Thanks for letting us know about it in time! she'll not be forgetting this one in a hurry!
Sending love and hugs to you all from Kathyann and the girls
So glad that your Mom had a wonderful birthday. She is as beautiful now as she was at 18.
Awww...Happy Birthday to your Mom! What a great post Teresa :)
I am so glad your mom enjoyed her birthday! Big hugs :-).
Your mom is just lovely, Teresa! I'm so happy for her that she had a great birthday :) Great pictures too; thanks for sharing the day with us!
Also glad to see you received (and liked!) my surprise for you :)
Great pictures - thanks for sharing your mom's birthday with us.
Guess my card didn't arrive in time? I sent it with time to spare or so I thought - sorry.
Hi Teresa, I am so pleased your mum had a great day, I loved reading your post and seeing your mum open all the cards..... such a nice idea,
Priscilla x
What a wonderful world this blogland nice to have so many people turn out for this special lady and her birthday. I'll tell you what, tho...her daughter is very special, too. It was such a sweet thing for you to do for your mom. BTW, she was a beautiful young girl and she is still beautiful.
hugs to both of you, bj
Hi Teresa, You have a lovely Mom and I'm glad her birthday was extra special. I loved seeing all her cards...and all the pictures too.
Hugs to you both, Linda
I'm so glad your mother had a wonderful birthday!
Hugs to both of you!
My great grandfather turns 99 this May and my mom and I thought a "card party" would be a good idea for him. It was only recently that he became home-bound. I was uncertain if people would be confused by such a party so I googled it and your site came up and it warmed my heart to know others are doing this too. I hope he reaches 100, but atleast I know that his 99th will be special. Thanks for posting a blog and to ensuring your loved ones know they are loved. Well back to preparing the invites!
Semper Fi, Cpl Christine Urenovich, USMC
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