My mom will be 82 on February 28th. She doesn't want a party or to go out. It is difficult for her to leave the house. Would any of you be interested in sending her a birthday card? Together we can give her a card party! I know she would enjoy receiving them. If you would like to participate please send me an email at and I will send you the mailing address.
Thanks so much
So far I have had 12 e-mails from bloggers who are sending cards. I am so excited about this. Thank you for being part of her birthday! I will post pictures of her special day!
Teresa your mum will be so thrilled to get receive cards from all over the world ,I think its alovely idea,you can count on a card from us!I'll send you an e-mail soon ok love from Kathyann and the girls
Teresa I think this is a wonderful idea. I'm joining in and I'd be happy to send a card to your mom. Linda
A great idea - don't forget to take a picture and share mom's happiness with us!
What a nice idea, Teresa. I will join in of course.
Greetings, Carolien
I forgot to tell: YES, I did give you the 'You make my day' award. See my blog on 21 Jan.
Greetings, Carolien
Yes count me in, id Love to send Birthday Wishes in a card to your mum! What a great idea,
Priscilla x
Great idea! I'll be proud to send your mom a card.
Want to play tag?
You're it!
Sounds fun! I'd love to send your mom a birthday card.
I will gladly send a card to your mom...and I will make the card, too. Just happened across your blog.
Oh, Teresa...I missed seeing this post until today and now it is too late to send a card. I will send her an e-card, so please watch for it. I am soooo sorry I didn't see this in time.....
You are a sweetie to do this for her.
hugs, bj
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