Over the past few days I have been stitching on Lizzie Kate's February Flip iT blocks with charms. Only mine is actually blocks without charms, I bought it on ebay used. LOL! I love stitching with shades of pink.

Another Lizzie Kate design I am working on is JOY. This is a free design that Jennifer found for the Christmas Ornament SAL. I have done the stitching and now need to put a back on it. The design has a stitched star above the "y" but I liked the border so much I continued with it.

A few weeks ago, I came home to this cat on the roof. I am sure it was chased up there by my cat, Little Girl. The only way it could have gotten up there was to climb a bush in front of the house. It was doing a great deal of meowing...

and pacing back and forth. I went to the deck on the back of the house. By the time I got there, the cat was on the back side of the roof. It was so nervous. The cat would try to jump, but it was too scared and would just crouch and shake. I moved the table closer so he/she could jump on it. I even brought out some dry cat food hoping that would bring it down. Finally the cat jumped, landing on the railing. It immediately came to me and rubbed his head on my hand as if to thank me for being there. I have seen him since. He greeted me at my car last week and my cat screamed at it. It did sound more like a scream then a meow or a growl. The cat ran off, only to return later to make himself at home on the front porch!
I haven't heard anything about the job I applied for last week. Maybe no news is good news. Like I said before, if it is offered to me it was meant to be, if not, something better will come along. I have to learn to have faith, patience and the understanding that "NO" is sometimes an answer to prayers.
Great stitching pics! I like them both~I'm stitching tonight.. That kitty cat is so sweet looking and happy I'm sure to be helped off the roof.
I hope you hear something about the job~you've got a great attitude and that's the best way to be!
It's so hard waiting for answers about jobs....I'll be thinking of you!
What a pretty kitty...seems like he's adopted you...are you going to adopt him?! LOL!
Your stitching is gorgeous...I like both of the projects! :)
Oh the poor kitty, you were so nice to try to rescue it. Maybe it has now found a home. Your stitching is very nice.
Hello Teresa,
Your 'stitches' are so nice! And what a lovely story about that cat, he/she is right to thank you properly for your help ...
I really hope you will find a good job, I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Have a nice day, greetings, Carolien
Lovely stitching. I still haven't got my unfinished project out, but once I finish the vest I am knitting.....
That poor kitty must have been so frightened. I am glad you were finally able to coax it off the roof.
Hope you hear something about the job soon.
Nice stitching on your piece. Sounds like you might have a 3rd cat now? Hopefully he is owned and just likes to visit you. Sounds like you have a friend there.
Your little finish is lovely! YOur LK will be very pretty when finished!
It all looks nice! I did those LK blocks and really enjoyed them. You can get the charms that go with them for $1.00 at Laurel's Stitchery.
This is awesomme
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