I want to practice finishing before I actually work on the Bride's Tree ornaments. I have some pieces from years ago that I can use. I won't be upset if they don't look perfect, but practice makes perfect.
Just to let you know, my mom is doing well. She has a doctor's appointment this week for a check-up. I take her every few months for blood work, she has hypothyroidism and has had mini strokes in the past. I have to keep up with her meds, plus I always have questions for her doctor. She is doing fine.
Take care

Very pretty, I didn't know your mom was ill, hope she will be okay soon.
Hi Teresa,
Your ornament looks perfect.
Please say hello to your mum!
Take care & greetings, Carolien
I just found your lovey blog. Hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day
Very nice work. I am so glad that your mother is doing well.
Hi Teresa, beautiful work and the backstitching really makes the heart pop...I love it!
Glad to hear your mom is doing well and hope you are too.
Thank you for the kind words and thoughts for my BIL and family....his daughter is better since he is here. Total bed rest, except to doctor appointments and the bathroom. Please keep them in your thoughts. Hugs to you and your mom, Lidna
Oooops, I really do know how to spell my name:)...Linda
Love how the heart is coming on, I hope your mum is well, Wishing you and your family a happy easter!
Priscilla x
Hi Teresa! I wanted to stop by and wish you and your mother a very Happy Easter!
I am glad to hear she is doing well. Mini strokes would be frightening so I can imagine you would have many questions for the doctor.
Your ornament is soooo beautiful!
Hugs ~
Have a Happy Easter.. Happy Easter to your mom too!
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