Only a few months ago we were strangers, now our words bind us together. With our words we share many of the same thoughts. I may never board a plane and meet you in person, but yet you have touched my life while in the comfort of my home. It isn't the number of posts or emails we share, it is the content of the message that is important. Normally at this time I would name other bloggers I would want to share this award with, but this time I want to keep this one to myself, at least for awhile. I apologize if this seems selfish, I would rather think of it as being sentimental. Thank you Carolien.
Carolien passed this award on to me on April 6, 2008. I am sorry that I did not post a "thank you" sooner, but Carolien and I both understand that life doesn't stand still, there are things that must come before blogging. But, when we find the time, that very special moment to call our own, we reach out to those who are strangers no more.
Please feel free to copy this award and pass it on to someone special in your life. I know they will appreciate it and you will feel good for having sent it.
That is so well put. You should never feel selfish for holding on to a sentiment like that. :)
You said it all. Thank you, Teresa!
Big hug, Carolien
P.S. We are lucky to live in a time with internet etc., don't you think?
And I have to tell you that Fleur has 2 baptismal names: Florentia Theresia. The twins were named after 'ancestors' in their second names, but in Fleur's case we chose Theresia because we simply liked that name ...
Hugs, Carolien
I love your award and I don't blame you for wanting to keep it to yourself...I've done the same!!
Oh, and yes, I HAVE made the marshmellow fudge...it is delicious, too! Actually, I've never met a fudge I didn't just LUV!!
Hope your sweet mom is doing good! Tell her one of your blogging friends said "hello"...
hugs, bj
Hi Teresa,
Congratulations on your award.. you deserve it!
Thanks for the suggestion of fruit and nuts for my turkey dish - LOVE THAT IDEA!
It is fantastic to think we could pass someone in the street and not know they and yet we may know more about them and they know more about us than someone we have known for years.
I have "borrowed" your award as I know of two special people I would like to pass this too.
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