Mary Ann's favorite color is red, so I decided to do a piece of red work for her. I didn't find out until after she got her gift that she enjoys feeding and watching birds! She was really excited to receive her gift!
The chart for this design can be found on this page. The entire piece is stitched with DMC 321 on 16 count white fabric.
Mary Ann does loads of stitching for others. Please visit her blog, I am sure you will discover that she is a very special stitcher. She is well deserving of having someone stitch for her for a change!
Enjoy your gift Mary Ann and know it came from my heart!

Teresa, once again--thank you! You cannot imagine how pleased and proud I was to receive your gift. You made my day, week, month, year!! :) The pillow is now in its place of honor so that I can see it as I stitch.
Mary Ann IS a special lady, I've known it for a very long time :)
Your special gift to her is lovely and perfect!
You made some really nice gifts, Teresa! They look great.
Have a nice weekend & hugs,
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