I was born 48 years ago today in Richmond, VA. I was the record breaker. There were 17 boys in the nursery and finally here I was, the only girl. The nursing staff told Mom everyone was coming around to see the baby girl. My mom's room at the hospital was a converted sun room and her roommate for her stay was the dietitian's daughter. She said they had plenty of good food while she was there. My dad brought my Mom yellow mums, it was the only time he would give her flowers during their entire marriage. I always have a special feeling when I see yellow mums. The nurse brought me to Mom and didn't come back to get me, so she checked me out, wrapped me up and snuggled with me all night. My sister said she wanted to name me "Teresa" because she knew a girl with that name and thought it was pretty. I was actually going to be named Cynthia or Melvin, if a boy. I truly like the name I was given. My middle name, Naomi, was my great-grandmother's name and I am the only one in our family with any part of her name. Now, do you have a special story surrounding your birth?
My birthday gift from Mom is a lawn mower and weed trimmer!! LOL It was actually something I have wanted for months and the timing of the purchase happened to come around my birthday. That is why I haven't been posting, I am trying to clean up our yard. I decided to take over the yard again because it was looking shabby and I don't mean shabby chic!! After I was seen in the yard working, some of the neighbors asked what happened to our yard man. He had in the past or still was working for them. I inquired how much they paid and when they told me, my heart was broken and my mom was so disappointed. We were paying him twice what others were paying for the same size yard and he wasn't doing anything extra. I have trees and briers growing in all my shrubs. I had to take pictures of the yard ( Mom can't get outside) to show Mom what was not being done. She is heartbroken because she thought this man was her friend and now she feels he took advantage of her.
I know this was meant to be a stitching blog, but I might show pictures of the yard, before and after. Would you even be interested in seeing our yard? It feels good to be cutting grass again. I have made some changes that Mom is really pleased with. It is a good way to get rid of stress!! LOL
I apologize to Tina ( http://stitchingintexas.blogspot.com/ ) for not blogging about the lovely blogiversary gift I won from her. I want to share it with you (I need to take pictures)because she sent things I needed and wanted, plus something from one of my favorite artist. (How did she know?!) Thank you Tina, your blog is a delight! Go and visit her, I am sure you will be glad you did. Maybe I can pick up some gardening tips from her. LOL
Have a wonderful day and celebrate my birthday, go eat cake!! LOL

Happy Birthday! Enjoy yourself today, and try not to dwell on things. Tomorrow, confront that mand taking advantage of you and your mom and ask him why he thinks it's okay do to what he did! Jerk!
Happiest of BIRTHDAYS to you Teresa!
Happy Birthday to you!!! Love to see before and after pics! xx
Happy Birthday to you! Sorry I'm a little late, but I wish you a wonderful day.
I can't wait to see what Tina sent you :)
Dear Teresa,
O silly me, I did see your birthday cake days ago ... and now I am too late! But nevertheless: I hope you had a nice and festive birthday and will have a very, very, very good new year to come! All our best wishes and a big HURRAY for you!!!
Your story about your birth is very touching.
And I would love to see your makeover of the garden ... Good luck with it!
I will send the book soon, hope to do that next week. I will leave a message when I have posted it.
Bye bye & hugs, Crolien
Sorry I wasn't home on Thursday to come to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
I hope it truly was. Your gift sounds perfectly right for you this year. Good luck on the yard, I hope you do show before and after pictures. That dumb yard man will have his unkindness come back to him someday.
Happy Belated Birthday! What a nice birth story!
Belated Happy Birthday Teresa! The story of your birth is lovely.
How cruel of that yard man to take advantage of your mom - I hope your neighbors who still employ him dispense with his services. Yes please show some pictures of your hard work in the yard!
Happy Birthday Teresa. I loved learning more about you.
God bless.
Happy belated Birthday wishes Teresa.
I'd love to see your before and after yards pictures and Tina's gifts too. Hugs, Linda
Happy b'day, mem.....anyway, i like your blog....
Oh no Teresa! I missed your birthday! I so hope you had a wonderful day. I am so sorry to read about the situation with your mother's garden guy. It does sound like he really did take advantage. Why do people do that? It makes me so sad. It is great that she has you and you are even enjoying it by the sounds of it. Please forgive me for being late but....
Happy, happy birthday!!!
Hugs ~
Hi Teresa, just popping by to say hi and see how things are going. Linda
Hello Teresa,
Tomorrow I will post the book I promised to send to you. The envelope is ready! Sorry it is later than planned, but I couldn't find what I was looking for :)
I love your new banner etc., by the way.
Have a nice day & hugs, Carolien
Happy Birthday! It's so nice to meet you! I'm glad BJ sent you over...I love meeting new people...blogland is sooo much fun!
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