Monday, January 26, 2009

A Stitch and a Prayer

I purchased the chart Rose of Sharon Quilt Sampler by The Design Connection last summer and started stitching it the last week in August 2008. I did change some of the thread colors because some shades were too close in color and I couldn't tell the difference.

I am stitching on 16 count fabric. The stitch count is 200 x 200. I had put it away for awhile to work on the PIF gifts I am making. I have brought it back out to have something different to stitch on.

This past Saturday, Jan. 24, a Prayer Party was given for a woman at my church who has cancer. She had a prior surgery for ovarian cancer and now has two small spots in her lungs. Please say a prayer for her, she has six weeks of chemo starting today. My friend Christi and her friend, Debbie, organized the party and it was held in Debbie's home. It is Christi's sister-in-law for whom the party was given. There were 25+ women in attendance. We sang, prayed, made a prayer chain and presented gifts. She was given a prayer shawl and we were given a lesson on its meaning. I made a quilted banner, similar in style to this one. In place of Birthday Memories, I stitched "Sisters in Christ." The fabric colors I used were gold, lavender, and butterflies printed on a pink background. I went to take a picture and found out the batteries needed to be recharged for my camera! We left a large area in the middle for her to sign her name, our names surrounded hers. I told her it represented her being surrounded with our love and prayers. She knew we were getting together to do something for her, but she didn't know exactly what was going on until she arrived. It was a day of blessings for us all.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by.


Vonna Pfeiffer said...

How very, very pretty this is :)

Nancy said...

Your stitching is just great. That is going to be a beautiful piece.
I will pray for your friend and what a nice thing you all did for her.

Carolien said...

Hello Teresa,

Your Rose of Sharon looks fabulous! Happy stitching on it ...
How nice you organized your friend a nice day like this. We will pray for her too!

Hugs, Carolien

Michelle said...

What a beautiful project. I will keep your friend in my prayers..


Anonymous said...

what a lovely idea to make a banner like that! Your xs is very pretty :)

willzmom said...

Oh Teresa, how lovely! What a wonderful friend you are.

Stitchingranny said...

Wow that is going to be a stunner its looking really pretty so far.