Mom has been in rehab for a week. The result of the stroke is a left side neglect. Her mind ignores the left side, so she doesn't have use of her left side, arm or leg. At this time she cannot swallow food. I pray that soon she will at least be able to swallow soft foods. It is difficult to tell her she cannot have water when she asks for it. A feeding tube has been surgically placed in her stomach, she pulled out the first one that went through the nose to the stomach. She has to be turned in the bed and after being in bed eighteen days, she has skin sheering on her backsides.
Her mind is excellent, it is her body that has her trapped. I am learning how to turn her in bed and use a lift to put her into a wheelchair. I didn't finish nursing school, but I am now getting an education in physical and occupational therapy. Speech therapy will be next. I will end up with a degree, if not from college, from rehab and home health.
I am in the process of moving the furniture in our home to accommodate our new living arrangements. The living room will become her new bedroom, her bedroom will become my den. Our living room is the largest room in the house and I will be able to fit a hospital bed and other equipment more easily. When the physical therapist suggested using her bedroom as a den, I thought it was cruel, but to be honest she may never use that room again. It breaks my heart to admit that, it hurts worse to say it out loud. She said to use my bedroom to sleep and the den to try to relax.
I don't know if Mom has a sense of time. I tell her the month, date and day when I visit. I haven't told her how long she will be in rehab. One of her doctors told me to stay in the present day and don't think about tomorrow. There are simply times when I can only get through the day minute by minute.
My computer is being worked on. I hope to have it back by the time WE go home. I have gotten some stitching done when Mom sleeps. I am currently working on Christmas ornaments for my church. Mostly, I pray. If anyone reading this believes in the power of prayer, please include us on your prayer list.
I know that God is with Mom and me on this journey. I hope by writing about it, others will gain a better understanding of what it is like to be the victim of a stroke and what it is like to be their. caregiver. If anyone has been through this before and has suggestions for me, please leave a comment.
Always remember that LOVE is powerful.
Very sorry to read this, sending you and your mother {{{hugs}}} and good thoughts. My Nan had a stroke when I was little but did not go through the rehab stage, so I have no practical advice to offer. Just remember to look after yourself too.
Oh Teresa,
I am so sorry you are having to go through all of the training, but it will help you deal in the future. I am glad your Mom is progressing, even if it is slow. I hope she gets better each day.
Stay strong and we will all be thinking of you and your Mom.
Teresa, I am adding my prayers for both you and your mother.
God bless.
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