Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Just a Note

I did not mean to be away for so long. It is hard for me to keep track of time. I am either working, at the library, or home, usually stitching. I started a part-time job at Michael's Craft Store back in November. I mainly do office work and price changes. I enjoy both the job and the people I work with. Now that I am comfortable with this job, I am looking for a second part-time job. It is hard to find something full-time.

My life is so different without Mom. Whenever I went out, I would call her on my way back home. I miss those calls. I miss making her waffles. She is in my every thought. It is hard to believe she died six months ago. Some days it feels like yesterday and then there are times that it all feels like a dream and I want to wake up.

A few weeks ago, I started making changes in the house, moving things around. I am discovering things I didn't know Mom had. I never went through her things, I almost feel like I need to get her permission. I found some letters my dad had written her during World War II. I am going to go through them and possibly put them on a blog.

I am at the library and I need to get home. I will try to post more often. I miss all of you and hope you and your families are well.

Take care



Cheryl said...

Its good to hear from you again {{hugs}}

Jackie said...

It is wonderful to hear from you. When we lose someone it takes a long time to start to live without them. ((Theresa)).

God bless.

Amy said...

My prayers are with you.

I look forward to following your blog.

Have a nice Valentine's weekend.

Carolien said...

Hello dear Teresa,

I miss you too, you know! But I am glad you found yourself a job that you like.
I do understand how you miss your mother after having been together for so long ...
I really hope you feel a bit better though, and that you are doing well.

Please take care & big Dutch hugs from all of us.


Anonymous said...

good to hear from you keep well and i am sure your mum is watching over you .. she would want you to know about her life and to go through her things.. otherwsie they would just gather dust i give you permission lol .. if that helps god bless and hugs